This quote does have a lot of truth to it, but Cuddy proposes an idea “can you fake it till you make it?” (Cuddy, 6:57). For example, a quote from Gee states “Social groups will not, usually, give their social goods whether these are status or solidarity or both to those who are not ‘natives’ or ‘fluent users’”(Gee, 10). My reasoning of why I think the “Mushfake”(10) tactic is risky because if found out, you will most likely get cast out from the Discourse. This tactic practically means pretend that you belong in the Discourse, and you will eventually fake your way in. The next tactic is the “mushfake” tactic mushfake is a tactic that is very risky and does not guarantee entry into a Discourse (10). Those points of entry include being born into the Secondary Discourse, using a master to gain access to the Secondary Discourse through an apprenticeship, which is a tactic that uses a master of the discourse to show you how the Discourse works and how you can gain access. Gee explains, that it’s not that easy and there are only a few different entry points where one could get into a Secondary Discourse.

Two Discourses can interfere with one another, like two languages aspects of one Discourse can be transferred to another Discourse, as one can transfer a grammatical feature from one language to another.” (Gee, 9) Gee explains when entering a Secondary Discourse you can not just walk into that Discourse and expect to get inducted into it. And, in fact some of what we know about second language acquisition is relevant to them, if only in a metaphorical way. Gee also explains a secondary Discourse as “Discourses, Primary and secondary, can be studied, in some ways, like languages. Gee explains a Discourse as “ ways of being in the world they are forms of life which integrate words, acts,values, beliefs,attitudes, and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions, and clothes.” (Gee, 6-7). Amy Cuddy gave a Ted Talk which explained how and gave people tips so a person could “Fake it” into these Discourse, but Gee thinks otherwise (6:57).īoth Gee and Cuddy have slightly different views on entering a Secondary Discourse and a Primary Discourse. Another important figure that also theorizes about getting into these Discourses is Amy Cuddy. I have been skateboarding for 5 or so years, and I believe being around that culture changed the way I dressed, change the way I talked, and all in all shaped my personality. Personally I agree with Gee, I think the groups of people or groups that you associate yourself with can mold your personality. Gee explains that Discourses shape your life and give you beliefs and values to follow throughout your life Gee calls it your “Identity Kit”(7).

James Paul Gee is a linguist that proposed an interesting idea about Discourses.